Tuesday 29 June 2010

An oldie but a goodie - The windows sounds remix

On the 8th of December 2007, a man under the pseudonym 'Robbi-985' posted a video to youtube that was to become a viral sensation.  Not because it showed a cute panda with a loud sneeze or a boy drugged on his way back from the dentist, nor was there a girl or cup in sight, no, this video went 'viral' because of Robbi-985's technical prowess and imagination.

The  video below is a song, or remix, made entirely of sounds from a windows PC, from the start-up sound to the error noise and every ding and ping in between.  He creates a smooth poppy techno beat that jumps to and from every octave and 'instrument' producing an almost soothing melody.  The video entitled 'Music using ONLY sounds from Windows XP and 98!' has almost 7 millions views and continues to amaze those that stumble across.  Go on.  press play.

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