Monday 24 January 2011

Tim Minchin: a question of science

Here's a little light relief to kick those Monday blues.

Tim Minchin, with his exceptional turn of phrase, observation and impeccable spoken word, spins out a lyrical masterpiece on the subject of science, knowledge and faith. Tim's observations of social interaction are intriguing and it is quite a talent to, in the same nine minutes, make a person laugh to the point of unplanned-urination; and then to honestly think about their readily accepted digestion of common knowledge, the sciences, medicine and religion in whatever ratios they inhabit their life up to this point.

This is a mish-mash of rhyme, anecdote, philosophy, science, knowledge and dinner table etiquette, mixing together social cliche, the immortal words of Puck and touching on every scientists favourite subject - homeopathy!

Tim Minchin's spoken word masterpiece - Storm:


  1. Thanks so much for the recommendation Sleepwalker! Are you on twitter?

  2. No, I'm not on twitter anymore. New year resolution was to come off facebook and twitter as they gobbled up my internet time too much. Much prefer checking out blogs.

  3. Wowee, what a great resolution. I should take a leaf out of your book! If I didn't use them to stay in touch with distant friends very conveniently, I would consider it! Reading blogs is a much better use of time! :D

  4. Having musical interlude on blog inspired by you. Check out crash test dummies 'days of the caveman'

    Have a couple of other things to send you.

  5. Hiya, I thought you might like a look at my friend Madeleine's blog. She has some posts on her cyanotype works you might like:

  6. Hi Sleepwalker, sorry for the delayed response. Her work is indeed very interesting. I have come across a lot of cyanotype art in my research for the blog and will be doing post about it sometime soon, hopefully after I've had a chance to bribe someone into letting me have a go! (Madeleine has a new follower!)
